Presented By: NorCal-Bay Area
Churches in Christ
Ephesians 4:1-6
"I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 2 with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, 3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."
Register by March 15th to be entered into a raffle for a $150 gift card.

Theme: Unity
The aim is to get a strong exegetical foundation on the topic so that the scriptures will challenge, encourage and move us into a real discussion and then action steps on how to bridge both percieved and actual barriers to our unity.
Bro. Darrell McLaughlin - 25th Avenue Church of Christ
Bro Patrick Mitchell - Civic Center Church of Christ
Traits of Like-Mindedness
Phil 2:2-4
Bro. Mark Sharpe - Southside Church of Christ
Bro Otheree Christian - Southside Church of Christ
Fighting The Good Fight Together
1 Peter 3:8, Eccl 4:9
Bro. Courtney Henderson - Hayward Church of Christ
State of Being: Individual Contributions to Unity
Hebrews 10:24, Psalms 133:1
Bro Mike Washington - Suisun Church of Christ
Bro William Mitchell - Valley View Church of Christ
Bro Otheree Christian - Southside Church of Christ
Subduing the Flesh for Spiritual Growth
1 Corinthians 9:27
Come Join the Nor-Cal Bay Area Churches of Christ
for a Two Day Overnight Retreat at VIA SERVICES group retreat center in Cupertino CA, located in the heart of Silicon Valley.
DATE: This event is scheduled for Thursday mid-day April 17th through Saturday mid-day April 19th.
CHECK IN: Thursday 2:00 PM
CHECK OUT: Saturday 4:00 PM

COST: The cost of the Retreat is $150.00, which includes full room and board, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks throughout your stay.
End of Event Barbecue & Group Photo: Saturday 1:00PM
13851 Stevens Canyon Rd, Cupertino, Ca 95014
Only 5 miles off highway 280, 15 miles west of San Jose and 45 miles south of San Francisco
Keep in mind!
Who can attend this Retreat?Any and all men ages 18 and above
Is there special pricing?No! Prices are part of a negotiated contract with Via Services retreat and are the same per person, per camp rate. The cost covers all provided accommodation from Via Services which includes lodging, meals, T-shirt, etc. An added bonus is that a large portion of this year cost has been paid for from contribution donated by several Local Churches of Christ which aided in the reduction of a cost per participant from 250.00 in 2024 to 150.00 for 2025
What should I bring to Men's Retreat?Bring an overnight pack for 2 nights. All the comforts of home. Basic toiletries like a toothbrush, tooth paste, bar of soap, deodorant, shaving cream, razor. Small flashlight (usually an app on your phone will suffice), PJ's. If you are one that is cold at night, you might want to bring an extra blanket. A pillow to make you comfy.
Will there be down time to just relax?Yes! After each scheduled session for guest speakers, there will be breaks to relax or participate in some of our scheduled games and fun filled activities.
Will there be any accommodation for those who have a strict diet?Yes! Requests can be made in advance to be forwarded to the chef to meet the special needs of those who are on a strict diet. Please note this on the sign-up form when registering? All request must be submitted two weeks prior to start of retreat. No later than April 3 2025!
What are some Camp rules. Do's and Don'ts?Do have fun, partake in good will dialog, play some games, take a hike on the trails, gather lots of info from our guest community speakers, listen to the inspiring lessons on Unity from our very capable collection of guest speakers, take what you will learn from each speaker, participate in our breakout sessions, and go home edified, and inspired, with a renewed Christ like mindset! Dont! No smoking, no drinking or any consumption of alcohol of any kind, no sitting on tables whatsoever, no standing in chairs, no excessively load music, or vulgar language of any kind, absolutely NO NUTS of any kind anywhere on the campsite, inside or out, no bad behavior. Please do not bring any valuable whatsoever. There are no locations to lock away valuable. Neither Via Services of the Church of Christ Retreat committee will be held liable under any circumstances. If you engage an any rude behavior, you will be asked to pack up your things and leave peaceably and no refund will be given.
What does our menu look like for the retreat?1) Breakfast both Friday and Saturday ( Continental style) Boiled eggs, cereals, Oatmeal, Bacon, sausages(turkey), fruit, OJ, Apple juice, Waffles Belgium ( eggo) Coffee, tea, hot chocolate. 2) Lunch Friday Only Deli meat Turkey or Ham. Make your own Sandwich with your own add-one. Include Mayo, mustard, cheese(two kinds), lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, peppers, etc. Chips, fruit, drinks. 3) Dinner- Thursday Meat Lasagna, Veggies Cheese Lasagna, rolls, roasted veggies, fruit, drinks, coffee, and tea. [Smores] around the camp fire around 8 pm or after Q&A for Sam Morris community presentation of the day. 4) Dinner- Friday Panda style buffet. Chow mein, fried rice, broccoli beef, Teriyaki chicken, shrimp ( based on availability), mixed veggies, fruit, drinks, coffee, and tea. 5) Saturday afternoon Big BBQ to top off our event ! Hamburgers made to order, hotdogs , hotlinks sausages (mild &hot), Chicken, BBQ baked beans, Potato Salad, Watermelon, drinks.
What is some fun-filled activities one can expect?Dominos, Hiking, Basketball, Swimming (if warm enough), Bean Bag toss competition,
How do I sign up for the retreat and what are the acceptable forms of payments?Click on the registration form and fill out completely. We accept PayPal, Zelle, Debt Card and Credit Card. For those who prefer to write a personal check, money order or personal check, write it out to Civic Center Church of Christ with Church Retreat written in the memo of the check. Also include a note with Congregation attending, Name, phone number, email and shirt size. The address for Civic Center Church of Christ is 207 Broadway, Richmond Ca 94804 Phone number 510 467-5939 PS: please place in the memo of your check- NorCal retreat 2025
Should we carpool? Is there any transportation?Yes! There is limited parking, so carpooling is a great idea. Share the fuel ️ expense. Take care of your driver. It's the right thing to do. It is recommended that those who can, should carpool as there is limited parking at the site. Also, until further notice we will be checking to see the feasibility of chartering a bus and to pick- up at 2 to 3 locations from Richmond to Oakland to south Hayward. Still in the planning phase.
Will my Cell phone work?There is limited wifi access, and not very good cell phone signal. It is advisable that prior to getting off the hwy 280, you may want to make whatever calls needed before coming to camp at Via Services West. There is a land line access for emergency calls only. Camp phone access by permission only.
What is the Dress code?Remember most of you will be staying 2 nights. So bring enough changes of clothing. Dress Casual, wear comfortable shoes, sneakers, sandals etc. Jeans, Polo shirts, sweatsuits, hoodie, baseball caps, visor etc. Be sure to bring sunscreen. Bring a lightweight jacket. It could get cold at night .
Are there any lockers?No! Please bring a overnight bag, or sport carrying bag, or duffle bag for your personal effects. Please do not bring any valuables, there is no place to lock them up. Camp will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items.
What is provided with our bed assignment?A bed, with a sheet, top sheet and blanket. A large towel and small towel. There is soap in dispenser, but if you need something other than what's provided then bring your own. If you have a tendency of being cold when sleeping, you may want to bring yourself an extra blanket,
What is a phone number that I can reach someone if I have a question not listed in FAQYou can call during business hours from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm PST Monday -Friday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm PST